Cyber barrier gestures

With the Coronavirus crisis, cyber-attacks have increased. For instance at IÉSEG : more than 5 million emails blocked since the beginning of lockdown, and a detection of identity usurpation attempts have increased 4-fold.

The most effective protection to address these risks is to follow simple rules. Here are some cyber barrier gestures to keep in mind.


Be extra vigilant with received e-mails (text messaging and calls too)

There are currently much more phishing attacks, ill-intentioned requests for sensitive information, and malicious attachments.

Remember : Never communicate sensitive information (like passwords) by email or phone

> Find tips to detect a Phishing e-mail


Beware of data you send

Even in this unprecedent way of working, IÉSEG is subject to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and in this context:

  • Any new processing of personal data must be declared to your manager in order to be documented,
  • Never communicate sensitive information (like passwords) by email or phone.

> More information on our IT Charter


Your personal computer

If you have to use your personal computer, be sure to :

  • Keep your system up-to-date
  • Backup your data


Notify IT Department as soon as possible

It’s easier to fight at the beginning of an infection than when it has started to spread:

  • You have received a suspicious e-mail:
    transfer to
  • You think you have a security issue (strange e-mail activity, abnormal behavior on your computer):
    submit a ticket on or send an email to from your IÉSEG email account


Security is Everyone’s Responsibility !


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An IT-related request
(for IÉSEG user)
An IT-related request
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